It strikes me strangely that the rest of the wood world regards the hammond saw by the crappy fine woodworking article on the saw. Perhaps it is time to start a new legend.
what is the vintage of my hammond "mercury"? which has been on loan to Lee Dusell (the funkyjunkie worked with Lee on the Telluride Bronze Door Trimmings) when the "mercury" returns home (which is soon) I will post pics for your viewing pleasure, the "mercury" is a non ball bearing slider saw by hammond circa???
I have never had aclear idea of the hammond dates for any of them. the Mercury was offered alongside the glider as the middle level model. the intro-level model being the Ben franklin. I will try to post some catalog pics.
the main difference between the Ben Franklin and the Mercury is the mecury has a handcrank to raise and lower the blade while the ben franklin kinda swings with a lock-knob.