Parts for Hammond Glider G44B

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Parts for Hammond Glider G44B

Post by kevinschultz »

I just purchased a Hammond Glider saw G44B but it is missing the guard and the finger. Does anybody have any suggestions where I can pick these up? Thx!!!
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Post by nektai »

Hello and welcome to Machinejunkie. Unfortunately I can not help you with parts but i can say this: the finger that you are missing is a very necessary accessory while, in my opinion, the blade guard is not.

I am sure that others will help you figure out where to get a finger. How is the condition of the saw? I love my G44B and you can see some pictures of it in some of the threads about changing the ruler.
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Post by crzypete »

Hey Kevin,

Welcome aboard. The only place I know of that deals with hammond parts is SOS Linotype, They almost certainly have the finger. Not sure about the guard, but as Nektai said, the guard is kinda useless.

SOS Linotype
615-859-0029 phone

Good luck. Let us know what happens, I'm curious what they charge.

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Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:05 am

Post by kevinschultz »

Thanks for the advice. I actually talked to SOS a while ago and they couldn't help. I called again this morning and they still didn't have anything. The saw is in pretty good shape...I agree though, I probably won't even use the guard but the finger is pretty important. If you think of anyone else that might have it, please let me know. Thx!
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